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Univ. Prof. Dr. Christoph Kühberger
Chair/Professor for History Education and Civic Education
University of Salzburg
Department of History
Rudolfskai 42
5020 Salzburg - Austria
Phone: +43-662-8044-4751
Secretary's office: +43-662-8044-4777
christoph.kuehberger[@]plus.ac.at Contact me here!
Main areas of research
Theory and Methodologies of History Education and Civic Education * Empirical History Education/ Ethnography and History Education * Textbook Research * Diversity Studies and Inclusive History Teaching * Decolonization of historical knowledge* New Cultural History * Theory and Ethics of the History
Professional career
Visiting Scholar at the College of Education/ University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (USA)
Head of Department of History (Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg)
Deputy Head of Department of History (Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg)
since 10/2017
Full Professor and Chair for History Education and Civic Education at Salzburg University (Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg)
Full Professor for History Education and Civic Education at Salzburg University of Education Stefan Zweig
Director of the „Federal Center for Societal Learning” (“Bundeszentrum für Gesellschaftliches Lernen”) at the Salzburg University of Education Stefan Zweig (Austria)
Vice-Rector for Social and Societal Sciences at the Salzburg University of Education Stefan Zweig (Austria) and Vice-Director of the Central Working Place for History Didactics and Societal and Civic Education (ZAG) at the Salzburg University of Education and the University of Salzburg (Austria)
Professor for Modern and Contemporary European Cultural History at the Institute of History (University of Hildesheim, Germany), main research areas: New Cultural History, Transcultural Studies, Theory and Didactics of historical and political learning
Associate at the Central Office for History Didactics and Societal and Civic Education (ZAG), Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg (Austria), Department of History (directed by Univ. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Krammer)
Lecturer at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria (Cultural History, History Didactics and Civic Education)
Head of History Didactics at the Department of History at the University of Greifswald, Germany
Research Assistant at the Department of Philosophy, FWF-START-Project of „Theories and Commitments“ (directed by Univ. Prof. DDDr. Clemens Sedmak) at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria
Academic career
Habilitation in Educational and Social Sciences at the University of Hildesheim (Germany); Venia Legendi: „Modern and Contemporary History and History Education”
Doctorate of Philosophy/ PhD (Contemporary History/New Cultural History) at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, completion with distinction
Teaching degree for secondary schools/ MA (History/Social Studies and Italian) at the Paris-Lordon-University of Salzburg and at the Università degli Studi di Perugia, completion with distinction
Seleced Presentations
Juli/2023: "Teaching History in Hawai'i" - at Kamehameha Schools/ Kawaiaha‘o Plaza (Honolulu, Oahu)
June/ 2023: "History Education at Hawaiian Schools - Rough Insights into Context and Findings of an Empirical Study" at the College of Education at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa (Honolulu, Oahu)
November/ 2022: “How to Change the Backbone of History? On Decolonization of History Classes”, Conference “New perspectives on teaching and presenting the history, culture and geography of the Pacific Islands” at the Department of History at University of Munich (Germany)
July/ 2021: "'Kānaka mo’olelo' – History curricula between Western universal claims and native epistemologies in Hawai’i", Kolloquium "How to Decolonize the Curriculum?" at the Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies/University of Trier (Germany)
Mai/ 2019: "Informal Historical Learning - Ethnographical Research in Children's Play Spaces" at the Department of Education/ University of Oxford, U.K.
May/2019: Vortrag "Chidren's rooms as private time machines - an ethnographic approach to a hidden part of historical learning" at the University College London/ Institut of Education, U.K.
July/ 2018: "Toys with Historical References as Part of a Material Culture. An Ethnografic Study on Children's Bedroom", 8th World Congress of the International Toy Research Association/ITRA ("Toys and material culture: Hybridisation, Design, Consumption") at Paris, France
August/ 2018: Key-note, "History Teaching for Inclusion" at the conference "The Interplay of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education", Universoity of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
June/ 2013: “Feature Films as Presentation of the Past – What Pupils perceive of them” (Institute for History Didactics at the University of Münster, Germany)
May/2012: “Archaeology in competence oriented history education” (Presentation at the German Society for Prehistory and Protohistory in cooperation with the State Office for Archaeology of Saxony and the society of Federal Archaeologists of Germany/Dresden, Germany)
September/2011: “Does historical basic-knowledge exist in the 21st century?” (Presentation at the conference of the International Society of History Didactics and the Centre for Political Education and Didactics of History linked to the Pedagogical Academy of Northwest Switzerland/Basel, Switzerland)
March/2010: “Textbooks in democracies and the presentation of the European Union” (Presentation at the 22nd congress of the German Society for Educational Sciences/Mainz, Germany)
Selected publications in English
Kühberger, Christoph: History Education Research in Austria. In: Researching History Education. International Perspectives and Disciplinary Traditions. Hg. v. M. Köster/ H. Thünemann/ M. Zülsdorf-Kersting et al. Schwalbach/ Ts. 2014, S. 150-169.
Kühberger, Christoph: Intertextual and multi-modal construction of history via textbooks and its reception. In: Historisch denken jetzt und in Zukunft. Wege zu einem theoretisch fundierten und evidenzbasierten Umgang mit Geschichte. Hg. v. K. Lehmann/ M. Werner/ St. Zabold. Münster 2016, 67-81.
Kühberger, Christoph: Teaching the Holocaust and National Socialism in Austria. Politics of Memory, History Classes and Empirical Insights. In: Holocaust Studies. A Journal of Culture and History. 23/2017/3, 396-424. - https://doi.org/10.1080/17504902.2017.1296085
Bernhard, Roland/Grindel, Susanne/Hinz, Felix/Kühberger, Christoph (eds.): Myths in German-language Textbooks. Their Influence on Historical Accounts from the Battle of Marathon to the Élysée (Eckert. Dossiers, Volume 4). Braunschweig 2019.
Bernhard, Roland/ Grindel, Susanne/ Hinz, Felix/ Kühberger, Christoph: Editors’ preface – Myths and sense-making in history textbooks: a window on cultures of history, knowledge, and communication. In: R. Bernhard/ S. Grindel/ F. Hinz/ Ch. Kühberger (eds.): Myths in German-language Textbooks. Their Influence on Historical Accounts from the Battle of Marathon to the Élysée (Eckert. Dossiers, Volume 4). Braunschweig 2019, 6-11.
Kühberger, Christoph: The problem of personalising history: myths around Hitler in Austrian history textbooks – exploring the issue via qualitative and quantitative methods. In: R. Bernhard/ S. Grindel/ F. Hinz/ Ch. Kühberger (eds.): Myths in German-language Textbooks. Their Influence on Historical Accounts from the Battle of Marathon to the Élysée (Eckert. Dossiers, Volume 4). Braunschweig 2019,211-238.
Kühberger, Christoph: The Private Use of Public History. In: Public History and School. International Perspectives. Hg. v. M. Demantowsky. München 2018, 69-83.
Kühberger, Christoph: Toys with Historical References as Part of a Material Culture. An Ethnographic Study on Children's Bedrooms. (th International Toy Research Association World Conference, International Toy Research Association (ITRA), Jul 2018 Paris, France. pp 11-13. hal-o2090966.
Kelle, Udo/ Kühberger, Christoph/ Bernhard, Roland: How to Use Mixed-methods and Triangulation Designs. An Introduction to History Education Research. In: History Education Research Journal (HERJ) 1/ 2019/16 (=Mixed Methods and Triangulation in History Education Research), 5-23. - DOI https://doi.org/10.18546/HERJ.16.1.01
Kühberger, Christoph/ Bramann, Christoph/ Meuers, Detmar/ Weiß, Zarah: Task Complexity in History Textbooks. A multidisciplinary Case Study on Triangulation in History Education Research. In: History Education Research Journal (HERJ) 1/ 2019/16 (=Mixed Methods and Triangulation in History Education Research), 140-157. – DOI https://doi.org/10.18546/HERJ.16.1.12
Kühberger, Christoph: Of dragons and dinosaurs: How children’s toys and games create ideas of the past, of history and of fiction. In: History Education Research Journal, 18 (2021) 2, 183–198. - DOI: 10.14324/HERJ.18.2.04
Kühberger, Christoph: Historical learning using concept cartoons. Engaging with pupils' prior conceptions. In: Teaching History 186 (2022) March, 62-75.
Kühberger, Christoph: Was Austria the First Victim? Nazism in Austrian History Teaching. In: Overcoming Conflict. History Teaching—Peacebuilding—Reconciliation. Hg. v. Florian Helfer/Peter Geiss/Sandra Müller-Tietz/
Michael Rohrschneider. Wiesbaden 2023, 103-118. Link zum Beitrag
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-39237-6_6
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